Monday, 15 July 2013

MUSHROOMMMMMM vegan pizza bites

This is a recipe inspired by the 'Sweetest Vegan' you tube channel. Seriously I am in love with this woman, she creates many vegan recipes inspired by typically non vegan food, for example she did a vegan 'take out diet' where she'd convert take out food like burgers and tacos and make them healthier and vegan. She has also done many southern dishes made vegan in her 'southern queen of cuisine' videos, which are also awesome. Plus she's super cute and i find her hilarious. So this post is dedicated and inspired to you Tasha Edwards!

Mushroom Pizza Bites For One

3 mushrooms
1/3 cup crushed canned tomatoes
3 large basil leaves
1 tbsp of tomato puree
1 tsp of mixed italian herbs
1/2 tsp of liquid sweetener (I used agave)
1 tbsp Vegan cheese sauce powder
2 tbsp of unsweetened almond milk (or vegan milk of choice)
salt and pepper to taste

- In a small pan add together crushed tomatoes, tomato puree, italian herbs and liquid sweetener (the sweetner brings out the sweetness of the tomatoes really well) and heat
- When all the ingredients have combined and reduced a little to a thick sauce take of the heat and roughly chop your basil, then add to the sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Assembly Time
- In a small ramekin or bowl stir together the vegan cheese powder and almond milk to create a thick cheesey goop.. trust it taste good.
- Fill you mushrooms with the tomato sauce then top with the cheesey mixture, like so (look below).

babies pre-oven
- Place under a hot grill untill the cheese mixture ontop is golden ant the mushrooms are cooked through, hozzaaa! Vegan Pizza Bites nom nom nommmmm...

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